Disaster Recovery Plans & Exercises

Like the Incident Response Plan, a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a formal document created and approved by executive management. Typically used in conjunction with an organization’s IRP and Business Continuity Plan, the RDP helps ensure that your business survives a critical event and resolves any underlying vulnerabilities:

  • Restoring or replacing digital assets (computers, networks, servers, associated systems).
  • Reducing operational downtime, interruptions of service, etc.
  • Recovering or restoring lost data.

Resolving issues contributing to the event – or those which may increase the possibility of a future crisis.

Continuity of Operations Plan

Monarch’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) brings together all your disparate, redundant plans across all departments into one cohesive plan.

Typically, such plans, they have a siloed focus and address a finite group of concerns. These include:

  • Business Continuity Plan
  • Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Incident Response Plan
  • Operational and Tabletop Testing Plan

In the highly stressful environment of a crisis event, your first-tier crisis management team is faced with sorting out which plan(s) to follow and which priorities take precedence – leaving you unable to anticipate the contradictory effects of one plan’s actions on another. A cyber event is not the time to be disentangling these inconsistencies.

Our Continuity of Operations Plan is a strategic approach which incorporates all disparate policies into one coherent, comprehensive crisis management plan – one which will address any disruption to business operations and put all necessary downstream teams and resources into action.

Talk to us today and find out more.

Upcoming Events
Zero Trust in The Business of IoT
Convenience and the drive to automate industrial control has guided the continued development of the Internet of Things (IoT). This vast universe of devices, from home weather stations and wireless routers to massive industrial control systems, such as HVAC and automated manufacturing equipment. Connected devices aim to improve efficiency, business performance, optimize decision-making, and more. These improvements, however, come with their own set of critical security concerns. Many of these issues have been realized in some of the biggest breach events of the last decade. Can you say Target refrigeration hack? If not provided with the same level of care as traditional IT infrastructure, severe risks are presented. These devices can and do offer “soft targets” for attackers. The “userless” nature of these platforms can obfuscate, undermine, and directly lead to the compromise of critical business processes. Learn More >

Monarch is the Northeast’s only Certified Third Party Assessment Organization (C3PAO)